“Time Before the Fall” places again.

“Time Before the Fall” is a semi-finalist in the 2022 Miami Screenplay contest. A supernatural mystery drama about a Korean War Vet has placed yet again in a contest. Am getting good feedback. looking forward to seeing this one on the big screen someday. Actors in their 80s would love this script. If you know anyone…


Screenwriters and Actors of Santa Fe

The Screenwriters and Actors of Santa Fe meets every Monday from 6 to 8:30 on Vimeo. It is a meet-up group of serious writers and actors started in 2017. The writers benefit from hearing their words read. The actors benefit from a weekly practice of cold reads.

We hear improvement in both sides of the table. This has turned into a child of the group Suzanne help start and hosted in California- The Screenwriters and Actors of Hollywood still going strong since 2013.

The meeting is open to anyone who is serious about improving their craft.

To get an invite, email Suzanne@SuzanneBirrell.com with Subject: SW&A

Two Scripts selected!

Calico Pie was selected as an official selection by The ATLANTA WOMEN’S FILM FESTIVAL in the drama category.

The Girl Wore Red was selected as an official selection by The ATLANTA WOMEN’S FILM FESTIVAL in the comedy category.